Tre webinars gratuiti rivolti agli insegnanti di inglese che svolgono preparazione agli esami Cambridge Assessment English.

  • Thursday  14 May  15-16

Title:  Techniques and tools for teaching exam preparation also in online contexts

Content: What makes a good speaker / communicator?; What are the differences in speaking performance between B1, B2 and C1?; What exactly are the examiners listening for?; How can we encourage students to become much better at speaking generally, and exam performance in particular?; What practical steps can teachers take to help students also in online contexts?

Presenter:  David Wootten


  • Thursday  21 May  15-16

Title:  Strategies for teaching Use of English for Cambridge B2 and C1

Content:  Analysing the target language of the different components of the Use of English paper; strategies for how to approach this paper during the exam; classroom activities to prepare for UoE, also in online contexts.

Presenter:  David Wootten


  • Thursday  28 May  15-16 

Title:  Teaching Tools for synchronous and asynchronous learning environments

Content:  Looking at various  online tools that teachers can use to activate language and engage students in different learning contexts and for different purposes; establishing criteria when choosing which tools to use;  some useful websites for Cambridge exam preparation

Presenter: Elizabeth Kinney


L’iniziativa è gratuita, a numero chiuso; per iscriversi alle date del 21 e 28 maggio – a uno o entrambi gli appuntamenti – è sufficiente compilare entro mercoledì 20/5  il modulo disponibile a questo indirizzo:

L’attività si svolgerà su Zoom; gli iscritti riceveranno entro il giovedì mattina una email con le indicazioni per l’appuntamento.


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